How can businesses maintain workplace culture when people are working from home?

As we continue to navigate the post-Covid pandemic, one thing is certain: remote working is here to stay.

While offering flexible/remote working to talent and staff is today an incentive to attract or retain employees, businesses are also aware that 56 per cent of employees find a good company culture to be more important than salary.

But with fifty of the biggest UK employers saying they have no plans to return all staff to the office in the near future and 38 per cent of workers working from home in 2022, how can businesses maintain workplace culture?

Redefining ‘WFM’ culture

Working from home – “WFM” – has undeniable benefits: increased productivity, reduced office politics, convenience and a better work/life balance.

That said, there have also been drawbacks to WFW – namely motivation and workplace culture – but business leaders can craft new ways to preserve company culture, or even reset it. Here’s how.

  1. Honesty and transparency

Business leaders must foster a culture of transparency and honesty to ensure their workforce is kept aware of any updates, changes or successes. Being honest ensures staff don’t feel the need to worry about company developments or hires, for example. This helps quash rumours; in turn benefiting productivity and staff mental wellbeing.

  1. Showing trust and confidence

For employees, feeling trusted and supported by managers plays a big part in company culture. For many, a sense of being micro-managed with strict schedules, non-stop emails and Zoom meetings can be detrimental to motivation and creativity. By showing faith and confidence in employees’ work, business leaders ensure a more positive atmosphere – effectively boosting productivity.

  1. Redefining expectations

In an off-site working environment, it is important to redefine expectations. This can be done by focusing on shared goals, rather than solely focusing on individual achievements. It also allows staff to work at their own space within a set timeframe, which alleviates stress and anxiety.

  1. Focusing on collaboration

With staff working remotely, leaders might feel they are losing out on traditional notions of ‘team building’ and ‘team work’ but empathising on collaboration is a great way to preserve team interaction and allows personalities to shine.

  1. Strengthening remote culture

Staff may be happier working from home, but many still appreciate the odd trip to the restaurant or pub to celebrate achievements and socialise. Offering them the possibility to do this will be rewarding: you can, for example, set a date and reserve a table at a restaurant near your old office, or organise Friday Zoom drinks.

  1. Supporting wellbeing

Allowing staff to adjust their working hours – effectively giving them time to spend with their family and managing the demands of their personal life – is essential. To support their mental wellbeing, allocate more time to listen to them by leaving communication channels open and be ready to offer support (internally or externally) for those in need of extra help.

As we carry on finding new ways of thriving post-Covid, speak to us today about how we can help you define new formulas to continue building a dynamic team, and help you maintain a strong culture within your business.



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